I decided turning sixty this year was special enough for Robert and I to go out to breakfast. That birthday breakfast turned out to be totally different than I imagined. Kathy and Rylan surprised me by flying in from Southern California to have breakfast with us! (Read related blog.)

I was not the only one who thought turning sixty was special. My mother sent me a beautiful bouquet of flowers, the most stunning collection of flowers I have ever seen. And the freshest. I enjoyed them for over two weeks!

Robert also sent me flowers! His bouquet of red roses surrounded in bright spring flowers in a tall vase really had my head spinning.

The fun didn't stop. Robert's Mom, Jean, always has a milestone birthday the same month and year I do. When she turned 75 I turned 50. When she turned 80 I turned 55. For her 75th and 80th the family took her out to a nice restaurant making her the star of the party. This year with her turning 85 and me turning 60 I decided sixty was enough of a big deal to change tradition. As before the family took Jean out to a nice restaurant but this time we both shared the limelight!















We were blown away at Christmas when we unwrapped Chris' present, the biggest one in the room! When I first saw Chris bring it in and looked to see it was for me and Robert I just could not imagine what it possibly could be.

Were we surprised when we unwrapped a rocking dinosaur for our grandson! Built by Chris! We had no idea Chris had so much woodworking ability and talent. Read Chris' related blog.

The very cool looking rocking dinosaur now sits on our window seat in the living room just like he belongs there I am looking forward to painting the dinosaur in textures and shades of green just like dinosaurs are represented in picture books. Once Rylan is a little older he will be telling his Mom and Dad he has to go to Grandma and Grandpas so he can ride "his" dinosaur!












Next time I see my Mom I will be asking her for her autograph! She is starring in a world premiere movie opening at the SXSW film festival in Austin, Texas next month. This is a movie she became involved in over a year and a half ago. When she auditioned she never dreamed she would actually be on the big screen someday!


February 16

New blogs written after 2/20/06:

March 2

March 24

April 29

May 11















Happy to say Robert is doing very well after his episode of DVT last September. He continues to surprise his doctor every time he goes in for a check up which at first was once a week. He is now down to one visit a month. His ankle seldom swells anymore and he tells me the pain (more like a feeling of intense pressure) has pretty much subsided. He is working out in the yard for several hours at a time now and we are back to enjoying early weekday morning walks, including two steep hills, at the park.

A recent visit to Robert's heart doctor revealed his heart is back to normal. His heart no longer has to work extra hard to pump blood now that his body has worked through the clot kinks. Next will be a revisit to the lung specialist and, to totally check Robert out, Dr. Bullar has scheduled him for a complete physical.

Since September Robert has been telling me, because of what happened, he will never fly in a plane again. I just found out he really doesn't mean this. He has agreed to fly out with me to Indiana and then to Washington this summer!