Rylan is changing so quickly and growing up so fast. We know this because, since he was born, we have seen him five times! Considering he lives 400 miles away and is not yet eight months old we feel quite fortunate.

To visit, see, and enjoy Rylan even more we video conference with Kathy, Tim and Rylan often. Besides being the next best thing to being there, seeing Rylan through video over the internet is pretty awesome. Each time we see him, whether in person or on the big screen, he is a little more independent, a little more into the world around him, a little bigger and a lot cuter.

On our last video conference just a few days ago, he sat up on his own for the very first time! Right on camera! Not just once but three times in a row. He has been sitting up for some time of course, but always when "put" into a sitting position. This time he went from crawling, stopping, turning back to look at something then rolling himself up so he was sitting! Just like he had been doing it for days. What is funny is that he didn't even realize what he had done.

About a week ago, he started crawling on his knees. For a few weeks previous to this, he was doing an army man crawl wherein he pulled himself along on his tummy putting his hands out in front of him to gain ground. Now he is up on his knees, has become faster and really moves out. In no time at all, he will be pulling himself up into a standing position (already does stand with help), walking along furniture and then stepping out on his own!